Kathleen's published books include Searching for Ambergris, The Shortest Distance, and The Nights and the Days. She's a wonderfully talented Alabamian, and her presentation was a treat.
Kathleen received her MFA in Writing from Spalding University in Louisville, Kentucky where I attended Bellarmine College, though I don't think those two events were concurrent. It has been quite a few years since my last excursion to Kentucky, and how I wish I could drop everything and zip up there for a visit.

The Kentucky Derby is just about a month away, and the book I'm currently reading, Seabiscuit by Laura Hillenbrand, has sparked my interest in the odd horse.
The oddest horse I ever was acquainted with, was a little stinker who loved to catapult me through the air and into the thicket, briar patch, or any other available shrubbery. His temperament was sullen at worst, facetious at best. I can't remember the little bugger's name for sure ... but I think it was Pepper. My brother-in-law bought him from Blair Farms and left him at our house in the woods, and I think I'm the only living soul who ever tried to ride him. And feeding him was almost as dangerous as riding him. He loved to bite! Seabiscuit would never do that!
Pepper ended up back at the Blair Farms from whence he came, and even though he was an exasperating fellow, I missed him when he was gone. I don't think he missed me.
Hey you! I got a call from the library that they're holding a book for me. Did you request Seabiscuit for me? Cause I have one that I got from Amazon for 1 cent--well, plus 3.99 postage and handling. If it's Seabiscuit, you can let someone else have it. If it isn't, what is it?
I forget his name too. But Pepper was that dog we had, the hairless Yorkshire Terrier that threw up on your afghan--or was that Kenney that threw up on your afghan? Anyway, he (the horse, not Kenney) also broke mama's wrist or sprained it or something.
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