There used to be two different types of Bilbies in Australia, but one of them has been extinct since the 1950s with the other surviving in limited numbers. The loss of the animals is due in large part to habitat loss, and the species is in competition for their place in the food chain with a lot of other animals. There is currently a protective plan in place that involves breeding Bilbies in captivity, closely monitoring wild populations, and helping to move the species back into areas where they once lived.

Bilbies find their food, insect larvae, spiders, fruit, fungus, and bulbs, by digging in the soil, which the females do backward to avoid getting soil in their pouch. They use their long tongues to pull the food from the ground.
On the Save the Bilby website, you can learn more bilby facts, contribute to the bilby fund, and purchase chocolate bilbies, bilby toys and bilby t-shirts!
Another Marsupial--how wonderful! W.T. Beaufort should have lived so long.
P.S. If I had a pet Bilby, I would name him/her Bilbo Baggins.
Wow! What a wealth of Bilby knowledge!
Hmmmm. This was the second time I read about a Bilby in a blog this week. The other was on FU Penguin - warning: this is not safe for work:
On the same site, a post about a possum:
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