I'll be signing copies of
Sweet Music on Moonlight Ridge

Friday, November 26, 2010
from 12:30 P.M. until ...
See you there!
I'll be signing copies of
Sweet Music on Moonlight Ridge
Friday, November 26, 2010
from 12:30 P.M. until ...
See you there!
On Becoming One With Earth
My feet are planted in this lusty soil called life,
this pungent dirt which covered, nourished, then released me,
still forming, still growing, still becoming,
new and bitter and sweet.
Secrets have revealed themselves to me,
bit by bit, piece by piece, season by season,
as truth reveals itself in dreams and scattered visions.
Thus I am a knower of secrets, a product of dreams.
Eternity has made me.
I am a design wrought by intricacies of time.
I go from unknown to unknown
in a ceaseless gathering of knowledge.
Wisdom learns of me, finds me, leads me, ordains me, loves me.
My heart opens like a ripe seed,
splitting deep and red and wet,
spilling forth torrents of glistening fruit.
Returning again and again
to the rich and fertile ground,
I give, I bend, I grow.
Branches bend from me; forests grow from me.
My arms thrust upward from this luscious earth,
open handed, glad with life,
and my fingers touch God's gentle breath
upon the ancient ageless winds of dawn.
copyright Ramey Channell 2010
My congratulations to Joanne, and no comment to Emily Dickinson.
"A possum by any other name would still be a possum." William Shakespeare