I'll be signing copies of
Sweet Music on Moonlight Ridge

Friday, November 26, 2010
from 12:30 P.M. until ...
See you there!
I'll be signing copies of
Sweet Music on Moonlight Ridge
Friday, November 26, 2010
from 12:30 P.M. until ...
See you there!
On Becoming One With Earth
My feet are planted in this lusty soil called life,
this pungent dirt which covered, nourished, then released me,
still forming, still growing, still becoming,
new and bitter and sweet.
Secrets have revealed themselves to me,
bit by bit, piece by piece, season by season,
as truth reveals itself in dreams and scattered visions.
Thus I am a knower of secrets, a product of dreams.
Eternity has made me.
I am a design wrought by intricacies of time.
I go from unknown to unknown
in a ceaseless gathering of knowledge.
Wisdom learns of me, finds me, leads me, ordains me, loves me.
My heart opens like a ripe seed,
splitting deep and red and wet,
spilling forth torrents of glistening fruit.
Returning again and again
to the rich and fertile ground,
I give, I bend, I grow.
Branches bend from me; forests grow from me.
My arms thrust upward from this luscious earth,
open handed, glad with life,
and my fingers touch God's gentle breath
upon the ancient ageless winds of dawn.
copyright Ramey Channell 2010
My congratulations to Joanne, and no comment to Emily Dickinson.
I think this picture is one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen in my life! I've never seen this photo before, and I'm totally amazed by this lovely person.
My daddy said he married her because she was the prettiest little thing he'd ever seen. Looking at this picture, I can believe that was true. What she said was that she knew he liked her because when she walked by his house, he threw rocks at her!
A long time ago, I had a copy of this picture with the hat. But it has been lost for many years, and I was so delighted that Bonnie brought us this replacement.
Thank goodness none of it rubbed off on me, or anyone else in my family!
Here's Jerry Lee in a remarkable performance of Great Balls of Fire in about 1957. I love his hair!
One of my favorite TV memories is a Jery Lee performance I was lucky enough to see as a child, and I've never forgotten my astonished glee. It was the Steve Allen Show, and The Killer was singing Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On, and there was a WHOLE LOT of shakin' goin on! The host of the show, Steve Allen, apparently got so enthused over the song, after Jerry Lee kicked the piano stool across the stage, Allen began throwing chairs and other objects back toward the performer.
While searching for a recording of this event, I discovered two different occasions, both on The Steve Allen Show, in which flying objects are seen zooming across the stage.
and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OIoHwQTUYS0
Now, that's entertainment!
and OWLS:
and the wild shenanigans of a couple of intrepid children in the woods of Dunnavant, Alabama!
So, stay tuned for further information about upcoming booksignings and appearances, and how to find the book on your Kindle, download it as an ebook, or purchase a paperback copy, signed by the author.
Check out Chalet Publishers at http://members.cox.net/chaletpublishers/index.html
"A possum by any other name would still be a possum." William Shakespeare