Thursday, December 13, 2012

Five Good Reasons to Go to a Writer's Retreat

Reason #1
Your Retreat Location May Be Near an Irish Pub

Here I am, with Angela Durden, enjoying a break from our creative writing at beautiful Blue Mountain Beach at the recent Write By the Water retreat! We had such a good time! You know, it's hard work being a writer!  We have to feed the muse.

Reason # 2
It's Good to Get Away from the Fam' for a While.

The demands of domestic obligations and entanglements can sometimes overwhelm our creative impulses. A little privacy and solitude can recharge those literary synapses. That's me at home in Alabama, second from left, wearing my obligatory domestic apron. Well, actually I'm third from the left if you count the donkey.

Reason #3
Your Brain Will Thank You
In the words of our host at Write By the Water:
"Held at international locations on, near, or at the water, we cater to the needs of dedicated writers, offering the time, space and solitude needed to give full focus to your writing projects."

I can attest to the fact that nothing encourages creative thought and expression more than being near the ocean, listening to the sounds of waves touching the sand, the cry of seagulls overhead, the smell of salt water and clean air. Writer's Paradise!

Reason #4
Time to Think, Compose, Write, Rewrite, Organize, Edit

Those are the actual pages of the first three chapters of my Moonlight Ridge sequel. This marvelous writers retreat provided lots of quiet, uninterrupted time to get those characters headed in the right direction.

Reason #5
Take a Deep Breath of Fresh Air
Then hurry back to the laptop, pencil, and paper! Write on!


Susan @ Blackberry Creek said...

Feeding that muse Guinness, huh?

Susan @ Blackberry Creek said...

Feeding that muse Guinness, huh?

Susan @ Blackberry Creek said...

I don't know why that posted twice.

Ramey Channell said...

Well, yes, I actually did feed the muse Guinness twice!